Toshao of Maruranau Patrick Gomes, received on behalf of his community Maruranau located in the Deep South Rupununi, hygiene products, backpacks and water bottles to cater for the needs of over thirty (30) teenagers.

Regional Chairmann for Region 9 Bryan Allicock, handing over the items to Toshao Gomes, on behalf of GEPAN.
Parents and student representatives through the Region 9 Regional Democratic Council (RDC), launched a call for help in order to secure basic hygiene products and school supplies for about thirty (30) students (names provided) attending the Aishalton Secondary School. These students are accommodated in the school dormitory since the school is located far from their home village. Financial difficulties and insufficient supplies at the school’s dormitory (under the responsibility of the Education Ministry), forced them to seek the assistance of third parties in order to procure daily necessities such as sanitary napkins, toilet paper, toothpaste, soap and other personal items.
Moved by their plight, GEPAN was able to secure sanitary napkins, deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap bars, backpacks and water bottles (donated by Digicel), bales of toilet tissue, and other personal items for both boys and girls. The items were gathered thanks to donations made by members of GEPAN’s donor network who responded generously. A small printer was also donated to the Maruranau primary school.
Region 9 is comprised of fifty-eight (58) indigenous communities of Wapishan, Macusi and Wai-Wai peoples mainly. Tough geographic conditions, poor infrastructure, struggling village economies and a high cost of living render life difficult for most families. Something as simple as attending school can subsequently become challenging for indigenous children and affect their overall academic performance.
This year, GEPAN will reinforce its commitment to empower through education and support children in indigenous communities, as we simultaneously extend our focus to include secondary school beneficiaries.
| It is our belief at GEPAN that empowerment through education remains a driving force behind poverty alleviation.|
If you or anyone you know would like to support children’s education under our SEC initiative, please contact us for drop-offs or click here to make an online donation.
Remember, the smallest act of kindness can have the greatest impact!