Children from Hope Estate located on the East Coast Demerara, received back-to-school packages through GEPAN’s Support Education Campaign (SEC) 2017.

Hope Estate is a farming community which depends primarily on cash crops and rice for its subsistence. Several visits by GEPAN in 2015 and 2016 revealed a depressed community affected by illiteracy, alcoholism and poverty. Farmers complained of setbacks heightened by the economic resulting in further losses due to decline in sales of produce. Another issue raised was the increase in lease fees for farm lands by the State which added to the business slow-down and threatened their livelihoods.

GEPAN has commenced an assessment of the community geared towards a multi-stakeholder approach to working with women in the future, to alleviate their socioeconomic hardships. In this regard, SEC will continue to assist in alleviating back-to-school expenses for modest families, when possible.


This event was made possible with help from the diaspora, and through partnership with Councillors of the local Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC).

Packages include backpacks, notebooks, pencils, erasers, geometry sets, water bottles and rulers. Hope is one of 10 villages slated to benefit from SEC 2017.

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a child, feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience.

Learn more about us here!


Categories: SEC

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